more about me...
Yoga has become a part of my life since 2009, and in 2016 I became a licensed yoga instructor.
My yoga classes are energetic, but calming and restorative at the same time.
I believe that careful practice can strengthen body, mind and spirit.
It develops strenght and flexibility at the same time, as well as stability and calmness. It gives me great joy to support my students on their journey to learning about their bodies through practice, releasing tension and carefully overcoming their limitations, while relaxing and empowering at the same time.
Away from my yoga mat I am happy and devoted mother and wife who enjoys spending time with her family. They teach me about love, joy and gratitude through understanding and respecting others.
I have graduated economy and begun my professional career in a corporate environment where I have matured through all the challenges I encountered.
My yoga knowledge and skills come from Satyananda yoga educations and seminars.
In 2022, I became an internationally certified Bach practitioner. I successfully completed the "Jazz" school for Bach practitioners with graduate psychologist Milena Kostić - levels L1, L2 and L3. After that, I completed the training course "Emotional Journey to Self and with Self" with Biljana Vujović.
For me, yoga is a unique set of practices and techniques for exercising the body and calming the mind, and Bach flower remedies are a simple and gentle way to work on ourselves and discover and nurture our authentic nature. Both yoga and Bach flower remedies, each system in its own way, opened up space for me to change, to progress, to understand and accept myself.