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What is detoxification and what does it have to do with yoga?

Although always present in ancient medical systems, the concept of detoxification has only in the last 20 years gained its deserved place, as a concept of great importance for the idea of ​​preserving and creating health. And not only because our real need to cleanse / relieve the body due to increasing pollution of living space is growing, but also because of the no smaller number of commercially designed "easily promised speeds" of detoxification, in the style of "detox smoothies / water complete cleansing of the body in just 3 days. "

It is important to be aware of the fact that every problem we face, including the problem of intoxication, ie. how to solve this intoxication, very attractive on the market. That is why in this context you can find ads such as: "Detoxification of the body from 2 EUR".

There are no magic wands for detoxification. Something that has been intoxicated for years, and which, due to forcing the wrong way of life, exceeds the basic possibilities of our detox organs, of course it is impossible to solve with just one course of detoxification, even if it was as complex as Ayurvedic - punch karma.

Detoxification (de- + lat. Toxicus or Gr. Tohikos) otherwise, according to modern science, is a metabolic process by which toxic substances from the body are converted into non-toxic or less toxic, which are more soluble, so they are more easily excreted from the body through bile or urine, but also the processes by which, with the help of appropriate substances and agents, called chelates, toxic substances are bound and expelled from the body.

Detoxification should be a natural, holistic process, and not a one-time, especially not partial / instant cure.

Medical science has determined that it takes at least a year to replace old / damaged cells of our body with new, healthy ones, and the least is needed for appropriate, comprehensive, detoxification of the body, provided that we are fully committed and committed to it, which means and the introduction of new, healthier life habits, that is, an entirely new, healthier way of life.

Short (tested) detoxification courses are good as part of the overall detoxification process, and especially desirable when acute poisoning occurs, e.g. in terms of detoxification, it is much better to use non-invasive, non-aggressive practices and means, such as adequate nutrition, phytotherapeutic detox agents, mental-emotional chelates.

Why and how is yoga a detox practice?

Because at all levels of being it encourages the processes of balancing, unblocking, unburdening, cleansing ...

Through asanas, body positions, we remove blockages on the physical

level, we stimulate the work of our detox organs. Asanas stretch and massage our organs, which creates the preconditions for their optimal function. Conscious yogic breathing raises the level of oxygen in the body, and the supply of energy to our body.

By conscious breathing and meditation we purify our thoughts and mind. It should be noted that in yoga there is a special cleansing program, known as shatkarma (shat karma), which has clear rules and procedures, and serves to cleanse the whole body. This program needs to be done with qualified leadership.

Goran Kojić, coach for conscious personal development according to Berner and Hellinger, and reikist II degree

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