An increasing number of people in the world, but also in our country, choose yoga in their free time.
By practicing yoga, we develop flexibility, the flexibility of the body and the mind. Like everything else, practicing yoga requires time, work, dedication and perseverance.
We don’t become flexible after just one hour of yoga. Yoga is work on yourself, and we all need time to work on ourselves.
When we say "yoga", we usually mean yoga classes in space, in a yoga center together with an instructor and other practitioners. Given the increasingly frequent offer of "online yoga classes", which is an alternative solution, it is good to notice the possible difference between these two options.
The energy of the space where yoga classes are held live, that synergy with the energy of other people around you can be a real inspiration and motivation to choose time for yourself, a time that you will dedicate through practicing yoga only to yourself, your body and your mind.

Benefits of Live Yoga Classes
1. Unprecedented Energy
The group energy that is felt, absorbed and received live in a yoga center can really be motivating, inspiring and stimulating. Simply put, live yoga classes are a great environment that will help relieve tension, relax and focus on yourself after a hard day.
The energy of live yoga classes and direct contact can help you better understand your shortcomings or movement limitations, but also better master the various yoga poses.
2. The help and attention of the instructor is always welcome
It is a good feeling when you think that the instructor is addressing you with his instruction, helping your consciousness to perfect the performance of yoga postures and thus indirectly is helping you to push your limit, both physically and mentally. Irreplaceable.
At the same time, live yoga classes are invaluable from a purely technical point of view. If you are a beginner in yoga, the direct instructions of the instructor will be valuable in terms of physically adjusting to the correct body position when performing the exercises. Improper body position can lead to stretching of muscles, ligaments or nerves, which can completely distance you from any physical activities, not just yoga.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced yoga practitioner, live yoga classes give you complete, personalized instructor attention. For example, if you have an old or current injury, the instructor will help you adjust and change your body position to prevent any discomfort or additional injuries.
3. Sense of togetherness and belonging
Yoga is not only a physical strengthening of the body, yoga is also a deepening of emotional and mental stability. At the same time, yoga is a kind of community. In Buddhism, for example, there is a belief that "Sangha" (community) is an integral part of the path to excellent health and overall physical and mental well-being.
So, being a part of a live yoga class allows you to connect with the people around you in a relaxing and pleasant environment. You are, in fact, then part of a group of individuals who are there for the same goal, which is to improve physical, mental and spiritual abilities.
Live yoga classes are not only an opportunity to meet new people and make friends, but also a chance to "train" one's own responsibility and organization of time. Namely, when you have a scheduled live yoga class, over time it will become part of your daily routine that you do not want to miss. In this way, over time, you will include yoga in your list of priorities
4. No distractions
In addition to physical benefits, practicing yoga allows you to release tension and all that has accumulated, and is unnecessary, both physically and mentally.
Yoga is a great way to simply "reset" your mind, especially if you are stressed or overwhelmed. In this regard, yoga spaces are, in general, made as a kind of "zones" without interference and distraction.
To experience the benefits of yoga classes, feel free to schedule a free trial.
My live yoga classes are held in New Belgrade at the Lotus Yoga Center at Narodnih heroja 60. Join our yoga group!